This Outfit has no Power or Attribute requirement. It is on the other side of the island behind the Temple of Forgotten Flame. Gems. Description []. The Towerstruck Lands is a section of Upper Erisia with sandy mountainous terrain. The Aratel Sea is a region in the East Luminant. There are many different sources that lead to the conclusion that all of Lumen was once united into one large continent, though the rising tides have split it into the 6. Luck was a feature shown on the bottom right of your screen. Aelita is a unique event NPC that spawns when you walk near a rock in the center of the Valley of Heroes during a non-Winter season. Deepwoken locations list. The Knives of Eylis. Saramaed Summit is an area within the upper area of Miner's Landing, accessible through hallways past the boiler room's circular vault door. The Crafting Recipes & Alchemy page contains some simple potion recipes, though some of the information is incorrect. The Crucible Rapier does 28. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Browse custom interactive maps inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandom. Map: Etrean Luminant Inside Floor 2. Ganymede is one of the rarest obtainable races in the game, the other ones being Capra and Tiran. The Bloodfeather Mask is an accessory under the "Face" category. They contain 5-7 Kyrsan Medallions, which you can exchange for dyes,. Loud and enormous, the Primadon is a giant sea monkey Boss. 5 base damage and has a swing speed of 0. It is obtained by getting 70 Hallowtide Joy and talking to Glaive Spellhardt. Iron Blunderbuss, like the Rosen's Peacemaker, has a blunt swinging attack and firing attack in it's M1 string. It can be easily found by going to Fort Merit; where the Etrean Rescuer is. 1. Survive the arch wishmaker becoming shadows and slashing people, you need to parry their attacks based on a sound that gets louder and louder. A list of named locations that can be found in Deepwoken. It is somewhat common to find. It is unable to be equipped by those with the Contractor Oath. Duke Erisia's Manor is a location in Upper Erisia. Warden Jericho is a high ranking official in the Central Authority's military, holding the position of Warden. Equipment is a type of item found in chests, exchanged for using an Artifact or by various other means. It is a unique map in the Arena or Mission experience. If you are looking for Food click here. Advertisement. While there may be no Deepwoken map just yet, having a brief understanding of its playable areas can help you piece together your own mental map. Duke Erisia's Manor is a location found in Deepwoken. Leech - The Isopod latches on to the player, slowly consuming. Deepwoken Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Braziers are sparsely placed in the stone halls, and various humanoid statues are around the Crypt. Defeating them will be rewarded with a chest containing decent gear and loot. 0% Capras are a descendant from goats, exhibiting various goat-like characteristics such as horns, rectangular pupils and even masks the same shape as a goats skull. (Ex: Frostdraw Spelltrainer will level up Frostdraw Mantras, etc). Upper Erisia is home to many sub-locations and is home to a variety of NPCs and Monsters. The Legion Captain is a type of enemy NPC that can only be found in Starswept Valley on Aratel Island. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Advertisement. This Outfit costs 400 and requires one (1) Void Feather and five (5) Spark Gland and seven (7) Cloth and five (5) Fiber and ten (10) Vibrant Gems. A Blindfold is required for the Blindseer Oath. Guilds can be seen like Houses from Rogue Lineage, another game by Monad Studios. it is noticably slower than most of the other daggers, with a swing speed of 0. 5 damage at 100 LHT, and 25. In this category, there are 6 sections: Services, Seafaring, Survival, Crafting, Fast Travel, and Mining. It is a group of islands that can be found in the Aratel Sea. This Outfit has 2500 durability and grants +20% Physical resistance, +35% Elemental resistance, +25% Lightning resistance, +5%. Map. If paired with an aristocrat coat the selling price can be dropped down to 90 notes. The Voidheart is the resting place of The Knives of Eylis. Advertisement. Central Dirk is a LHT weapon under the Dagger category. Located in an unknown location and only accessible in people's dreams, it represents itself as a large set of corridors and grey walls. They have five fingers on each. By picking up a knocked person who has an Oath (such as Blindseer, Dawnwalker, Starkindred etc), and interacting with one of the four holes, it will sacrifice them and a wind will form about the circle, filling with light and prompting the player to sacrifice 3 more. Tomb of the Nameless Warrior. It is almost identical to the Starswept Valley. Most guns can be purchased at the inn on the right hand side of Summer Isle, apart from the Silversix, which is a advanced starting weapon purchased with echoes when creating a new character. At the beginning of the event, various. You can interact with the. Erisia is frequently referred to as "Bandit Island" by players. The lighthouse can. It can be found in chests in the First Layer. Also has a lot of drip potential. They have magenta eyes that fade into a darker shade toward the bottom of the iris. Also referred to as Harpy, Bat. The Nautilodaunt spawn in The First Layer. Exumavia · 12/23/2022 in General. Do. This page is a list of many common terms or nicknames used by the Deepwoken community, and what they mean or which item, location or NPC they refer to. Has similar traits to Ganymede, the eyes & hair, perhaps due to their heritage. It can be obtained in Starswept Valley as well as the Rogue Hive Constructs on Minitrysa. Kelsius is an Adret NPC located in the Isle of Vigils library that gives you a quest for a free mantra hand. An Eastern Tribe Nomad is an enemy NPC that can be found at the Nomad Camp in Etris or fighting alongside with an Eastern Nomad Leader against two Ministry Scouts on Summer Isle during events. This weapon has a base damage of 22 and requires 30 MED to equip. The area is infamous for the pulsating, brain-like masses that are chained up across the area. Chance of obtaining race: 15% Adrets are a common race that have blue skin with orange eyes and face markings. There are currently two Luminants in the game, which are the Etrean and Eastern Luminants respectively. There is a path which seems to lead towards the void but instead leads down towards an area which has a. Crouching. The Chime of Conflict is a talent and item obtainable by talking to Yamaketzal at the Songseeker Temple once the player has reached Power 5. Community Spotlight Check out youtubers, artists and awesome peoples work in the deepwoken community. This wiki hosts 906 articles about Deepwoken. This is presumably why it cannot be sold to Antiquarians, as. The entrance can be. This Outfit has 2800 durability and grants +30% Physical Armor, +30% Elemental Armor, +5% Ice. Description. Instead, it's only known purpose is to allow you to switch. Ata, the Celtor - Mantra Spark Vendor Beiruul, the Gremor - Quest Giver Cestis, the Ganymede - Tacet Obtainment Eres, Etrean Outcast - Etrea Lore Exter, Gremor Mercille, Vesparian -. 7. 125 at 75 LHT. Bandit Camp in Lower Erisia. It is infested with Bounders, Husks and Carbuncles on the ground, so. The Ministry. DISCLAIMER:. As of the Verse 2 update, Luck has been removed and replaced with an entirely new system to give you rare and or legendary Talent Cards. The Messer is a Medium Weapon that can be obtained by buying it at the weapon shop in Etris or from Erisia Chests. Brainsuckers resemble many things, having bat-like wings, a beak, three eyes, and all of it forming a body that looks like a gargoyle. Quests are a major part of Deepwoken. To unlock Ironsing, you must first have a. Below is an elaboration on how to use [CTRL + F] or [F3] for this page. Content found in the Second Layer of The Depths. A once normal steward seeking knowledge but now twisted into a mind of corruption, thus spawning a monstrous race of dragons, the Dread Serpent is a ginormous Boss that appears in the Voidsea by chance or through usage of Ardour Manifestation. New Kyrsa is a location added in Deepwoken's Verse Two update. Obviously superior compared to the Messer. " It is recommended to learn the basics here, before going to Trial. It can be used to enter instanced PvP arenas for players to practice, compete for Experience, Loot and Glory, without risking themself in reality. Deepwoken Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Although they are of Celestial origin, their. It is an apelike creature, standing at roughly 21 meters (68. The City of the Drowned is a location in Deepwoken. Weapons. The Crypt of the Unbroken is a location in Deepwoken. Map: Guild Base Trophy Room. Map: Guild Base Fishing Room. It's simple, just take a good look at the four humanoid grave-esque spots adjacent from the center. Map of the East Luminant (Aratel Sea) Categories Categories: Map; Eastern Luminant; World; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Before the quest has been taken After taking the quest There is a King Thresher in the Lightkeeper Temple, located. The player also wears a string of prayer beads around their wrist. Players are sent here after dying whilst having a stained/rusty health bar, getting killed by The Primadon, being sucked in by a Whirlpool, losing their last skull in the Chime of Conflict, dying with the Hollow modifier, dying within a Voidzone, or dying in the Voidsea. Every hour, she. The Ignition Union. Tomb of the Nameless Warrior is a cavern that is home to a Rotskipper. ) Mute, or less formally known as 'Animal King'. as well as chests from The Duke, Primadon and Miner's Landing aswell as. The air is constantly permeated with a thick, misty orange, and many Mechalodaunts are often present throughout the. The Temple of Hearts can be entered in two ways: Opening the Resonance doors, which requires a Resonance. Smelting is a mechanic that involves combining 2 pieces of equipment to keep the stats of one piece, while keeping the appearance of another. The Shotel is a Medium Weapon. During this eventful storm of art, vandalism, and much more, the Deepwoken community banded together for a single purpose. Deals 24. This variant of Vesperian is unobtainable as of now. Unlike it's lower counterpart, Upper Erisia is not suggested for beginners. This weapon has a very low drop rate in the overworld in places near Aratel Island / Starswept Valley (Hive) and Summer Isle, but a much higher drop rate from chests found in The Depths. The lore of Deepwoken is vast and scattered across the sea. They are lead by a Lord Regent who rules from his castle and seeing over the land of. As a whole, Erisia is the second largest landmass in Deepwoken, only behind Aratel. Fight an astral knight. Map: Layer 2 Floor Two Metro L2. A Legion camp is settled here, but isn't full of many useful NPCs. The Apprentice Rapier is a unique light weapon due to being one of the few rapiers in the game, but also due to its greater range compared to other light weapon options. Valley of Heroes Trial of One Crypt of the Unbroken Starfield Tundra Outpost Antumbra A stronghold inhabited and guarded by Ministry Scouts. Age in Deepwoken is viewable by going to your stats menu. Deepwoken Map - Points of interest. 35 BLD dmg. It is a landmark of the Celtor Wastes. New to the Wiki? Create an account, join our Discord server and read our editing policy! READ MORE. Artifacts in Deepwoken are valuable pieces of technology or objects that can be sold to Bankers for high rewards such as rare armor, mantra ingredients, weapons and armor schematics. It is an island found in the Etrean Luminant. Map. She has the unique mechanic of selling a rotation of items that changes every hour. Stealth can be improved in several ways. The Divers. Sign in to edit View history Talk (0) Categories Categories: Map; Guilds; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. The Crypt of the Unbroken is a building in the highest part of Minityrsa. Saramaed Summit is a location in Deepwoken. As of the layer 2 update it has been moved to Etris, on the mountain above the cave you take from the docks. The Depths is a purgatory to all the Drowned, and. Here’s the list of every Roblox Deepwoken location scattered across the Etrean Luminant. It bears a red Hivelord Mask. It is said that characters suffer from appearance changes the older they get depending on. If. It can be thrown with the keybind 'E'. Map:Tomb of the Nameless Warrior L1. Can be bought from Etris Weaponry (25) and The Floating Keep (100). Pickaxes are used for mining ores/minerals such as rock, iron, irithine, etc. This weapon has no special effects or passives. The Scion of Ethiron is a boss encountered at the end of the second floor of the Eternal Gale. Players can find Amashi, a spelltrainer who can help you acquire Flamecharm, or upgrade your existing. Most grinding in the game (especially when starting a character) will be challenging, but once you can parry well and use abilities, it gets significantly easier. The Ancient Rotlands is a Voidzone, meaning you will be sent to The Depths if you die in the. Watchers are environmental hazards with a lamp-like head, while featuring a closely-humanoid body. "Ironsing" is an attunement based around the ability to harness and create metal, commonly used by Blacksmiths around the Luminants. Map is made by medwi: free to screenshot, this pic goes hard. In Deepwoken, there are many ways to level up. Ganymede is part of the main hive race the other being Vesperian and Chrysid. This Outfit costs 500 and requires five (5) Cloth and Fiber, one (1) Dark Feather and one (1) Lionfish Scale. Equipping it grants you 2 Pips. They are UNDROPPABLE. Races are different categorizations of the humans that live in the world of Deepwoken, each race having unique physical traits and innate abilities that are taken from various animals (with some exceptions). Firfire The Maw of Ethiron Cathedral of Ethiron Chaser, Scholar of the Burning Blood The Ethironal Shrine Sanctuary is the area directly after the Ethironal Shrine Outskirts, and takes up the majority of Floor 1. NPCs and monsters alike have a cone of vision in which they can spot the player, resulting in them attacking. It can be carried anywhere. Minityrsa is a location in Deepwoken. Such examples is Wheat not growing in the Winter, certain fruits unable to. This page lists links to their respective pages. There are 4 seasons in Deepwoken: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Here are all the Deepwoken. The Towerstruck Lands will precipitate acid rain, rather than normal rain. The Voidsea is a location in Deepwoken. Minityrsa is an island perpetually blanketed in snow. Mark territory on the canvas. : Layer 2 Floor One Inside. 1 Overview 2 Contents 3 Potential Events 4 Maps 5 Trivia/Notes Overview Viper's Jaw is a cave found underneath Lower Erisia. A secret temple hidden inside a cliff in The Depths. 5 range, making it better than Crucible Rapier. Brainsuckers are a monster that spawn alone above the waves of the. Advertisement. This included Map changes, new Combat Mechanics, progression reworks, balance changes, more islands, a new dungeon, new Weapons and Equipment,. Deepwoken Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It seems to be present in most instanced locations. light hook. Fan Feed More Deepwoken Wiki. Enchantments have a set chances to be applied to a weapon during the following scenarios.